Miraculous Things Camphor Can Do To Your Home!

Being born in India and having a spiritual family, camphor (also known as kapur in Hindi) has always been in my house. For those who don’t know about camphor it is a combustible, translucent white solid with a strong aroma and sour taste. I personally love its menthol- like, nose tingling fragrance. Camphor is usually […]

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How to enhance your house based on your Zodiac Sign

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Hi, Pallavi Shinde here. Celebrity Astrologer, Vastu Consultant, Numerologist, Healer and Life coach. “22 years in this industry with conducting hundreds of seminars, thousands of Vastu visits and lakhs of clients world wide I have gained immense experience, knowledge and understanding on what people want in their life.” In present modern day world, everyone is […]

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Beginner’s Guide to De-clutter Home

Want your house to be beautiful and kempt? The first step is to declutter! No matter how small your space is or how low your funds are decluttering the space makes a huge difference. According to the fengshui, decluttering helps to remove blockages from your life that stops the flow of energy and brings in […]

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